We've gone from having a bare block with a tin dunny on it, to having a massive site cut in just one day. It doesn't look too pretty at this stage, but you can't criticise their efficiency!
This morning when I dropped the eldest at daycare, I swung past to have a squiz. This is what I saw:
And then by this afternoon:
Apart from feeling overwhelmed that the project is finally starting to take shape, it was awesome to finally get a feel for where the house would sit on the block. The steepness of the site cut at the back concerns me a bit. I knew it would be steep, but seeing it made me realise how creative we would have to be with our landscaping design! It also made the block seem so much smaller, and what we thought would be a massive yard look much more manageable!
I can't wait to see the house start to take shape, I guess using the pregnancy analogy, we're starting to show!
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